Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Climbing plants
Much of the climbing ornamental flowering plants, their origin from tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. Therefore, these plants are sensitive to low temperatures and exceptional detail, described in the literature gardener as Frost Hardy, that is resistant to frost. Number of climbers, despite their origins in hot areas, will grow and fit the average Israeli winter without injury with green and pleasant and will sometimes bloom.
Some exampels for winter climbing israeli winter : Jasminum azoricum , Bougainvillea glabra , Pyrostegia venusta , Mansoa alliacea , Pentalinon luteum
cold resistance mechanism of these plants is by logging in hibernation. Plants and the leaves fall songs, in response to shorter day, and winter they are dormant. We call them the deciduous plants.
this plant group, suitable plant in areas where there is a cold winter such as Jerusalem, Safed or Mitzpe Ramon. When we plant plants of this group in the area where mild winters, such as the coastal plain, plant performance will be poor, and blooming will be partial.
vines are long, thin stems with usually no independent mechanical stability, but with a grip of other organs. branches usually thin and flexible. scion parts of climbers - stem and leaves - evolved the means to help grip, support or reliance. climbers that can reach long distances or great heights despite the "weakness." grip stems and leaves their job and support structure also changed.
because the source area characterized by trees and dense subtropical high, the investment in creating and adjusting means climbing stems and leaves is huge. For climbers missing resource is light. Where they sprout a unique niche, and other plants has not adjusted. They sprout in the shade of trees, and climb quickly into the light to perform photosynthesis. There are vines that grow well lit places, these usually do not climb high, naturally, but would stretch horizontally
among climbers has two multi-annual one, is evergreen and deciduous, herbaceous and woody have. Wide variety of climbers is reflected not only in various growth or distribution, but also typical of development biology and methods of reproduction. Depending on the type mechanisms, tend to divide the stem climber climbers, climbers leaves root climbers.
vines do not get materials from the plants they rely on them - the plants that support them, and such relations are not considered a relative "parasitism."
how they climb? climbing stems : Some plants have stems that are wound. This honeysuckle, beans, Thonbergy, Pnedorah others. Ivy held (Putuc) sprout roots grip the stem. These roots not real. short Buttons and strong grip edges.
vine stalks, and others are developing some fine structure, a fitness curled wires, those tendrils. Tendrils wrapped around the trunks, beams and fencing. Vine clinging tendrils and wrapped by grip pads at the tips
tendrils wrapped after contact with solid subject . This response is related to motility in plants takes place in situations (for example Response light). Leaves and stems and parts also are able to perform these movements. Initially, the movement of tendrils twisting movement - round tip tendrils into solid subject . Later spiraling tendrils wrapped around. Growth is differential. Cells very close and far from dated shorter. The result - curled spring stays in shape even after removal of the solid bone. Apparently the plant Auxen hormone, secreted in plants, role in the process of tumor cells varies.
interesting fact: in the northern hemisphere, all climbers wound counterclockwise, while the same species as they grow in the Southern Hemisphere, wound clockwise, and no exceptions. If we change the direction Halipup, climber can not change that we did but the new growth will return to the previous model. Most of the climbers, the first garden year will grow at a slow pace. This year they are based and subsequently grow at a vigorous, each according to his qualities.
building becomes part of the environment only after the plants grow on parts of it as free as they grow on the ground
smart planning of the garden - a classic super element green architecture is Wall vitrine South. It is based on the ingenious combination of two simple facts: the higher summer sun lower in the sky in winter, summer and winter blooming deciduous climbers are bald There is a vast global experience in this patent application adaptation to different conditions, is one of the most common methods for creating a so-called "passive climate", ie, planning has a major effect on temperature regulation at home, without any energy input. Vines are used to cover walls, shading pergolas, hide hazards or create aesthetic fence separates the yard .
buildings undoubtedly grow their roses or honeysuckle vine or talk to us more than buildings with blank walls and exposed. This in itself reason enough to plant clematis bar around the building, to make planters to encourage plant growth higher floors, and white bars complicate their plants can climb.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
juglans regia
Eastern Black walnut , Common walnut, English walnut , Persian walnut , Jovis glans
Deciduous tree, landscape round, wide top, height 15 m wide 10-12 m, green blossoms, the form of earrings (male flowers) in the spring, one "house" - ie separate male and female flowers of the same tree, rapid growth rate to moderate Full sun
Gray bark - black, slot (from slots) and very wrinkled. Traditional medicine have used various parts of the tree, now is the main use of the fruit peel (the nut) that you can also eat.
Trunk of the black walnut very much in demand for the furniture industry , paving the arms industry in particular sects to use guns. Very difficult but easy processing
Is considered one of the ancient world Agricultural growth , probably Bronze Age. Nut mentioned in the Bible and rabbinic literature and certainly identification. Nut mentioned in the context sources to Israel lands, usually refers walnuts, unlike other nut spices that were known in medieval times.
The English name of the nut - nut persian. Arabic is called tree Joz, probably created the Latin name of two words - Jovis glans - acorn of Jupiter, nut gods.
Or Janca glans means wrapped acorn. Walnut Hebrew name is the Latin name translations
# Order Fagales
# Family Juglandaceae
How to grow -
# Pruning: young tree design, hard pruning will be necessary in winter
# planting multiplicity: welcome winter planting season;
# Multi cuttings, seeds and assemblies
# resistance: happened, Sharav, gear
# Sensitivity: salinity, nematodes, apple moth, tiger moth, a destructive fungus called black
# water: High water requirement
Eastern Black walnut , Common walnut, English walnut , Persian walnut , Jovis glans
Deciduous tree, landscape round, wide top, height 15 m wide 10-12 m, green blossoms, the form of earrings (male flowers) in the spring, one "house" - ie separate male and female flowers of the same tree, rapid growth rate to moderate Full sun
Gray bark - black, slot (from slots) and very wrinkled. Traditional medicine have used various parts of the tree, now is the main use of the fruit peel (the nut) that you can also eat.
Trunk of the black walnut very much in demand for the furniture industry , paving the arms industry in particular sects to use guns. Very difficult but easy processing
Is considered one of the ancient world Agricultural growth , probably Bronze Age. Nut mentioned in the Bible and rabbinic literature and certainly identification. Nut mentioned in the context sources to Israel lands, usually refers walnuts, unlike other nut spices that were known in medieval times.
The English name of the nut - nut persian. Arabic is called tree Joz, probably created the Latin name of two words - Jovis glans - acorn of Jupiter, nut gods.
Or Janca glans means wrapped acorn. Walnut Hebrew name is the Latin name translations
# Order Fagales
# Family Juglandaceae
How to grow -
# Pruning: young tree design, hard pruning will be necessary in winter
# planting multiplicity: welcome winter planting season;
# Multi cuttings, seeds and assemblies
# resistance: happened, Sharav, gear
# Sensitivity: salinity, nematodes, apple moth, tiger moth, a destructive fungus called black
# water: High water requirement
Saturday, October 16, 2010
קיגליה - Kigelia
sausage tree , Kigelia africana , Afrikaans Worsboom Crescentia pinnata, Kigelia pinnata
לפי החלוקה הבוטנית המודרנת , סוג זה מכיל מין אחד . לפי החלוקה הקודמת היו מספר סוגים - להלן -
Bignonia africana / Tecoma africana , Crescentia pinnata / Kigelia pinnata , Kigelia abyssinica , Kigelia aethiopica
הקיגליה הינו עץ יחודי בעל מראה דרמתי. נוף עגול ורחב, גובה 10-12מ', רוחב 8-10מ . עץ ירוק עד . הקיגליה מתאים לשתילה בגינה פרטית, עמיד למחלות ומזיקים, עמיד לשרב, ובעל עמידות בינונית לקרה. הפרחים מעין חצוצרות בגודל של 15-20ס"מ תלוים כלפי מטה על עוקצים ארוכים הנראים כחבלים באורך של 1-2 מ , הפריחה מסוף החורף תחילת האביב. הפירות נקניקים בגודל של לחם לבן ויותר, תלוים על העץ זמן רב לאחר הפריחה וגם הם בעלי ערך קישוטי. הפריחה מדהימה אך נפתחת רק בלילה..לכן קשה לראותם.לפרח ריח של תסיסת פירות (כמו של בננה) והוא מושך עטלפים וחרקים, (הפרח בנוי בצורה שמאפשרת לעטלף בצורה מושלמת להתלבש עליו ובכך מתבצעת האבקה) . במקומות שיש כמויות עטלפים תתבצע חנטה טובה של פירות.באזור מוצאו של העץ משמשים פירותיו כמאכל לקופי הבבון.
בלילה, פרחים נפתחים . מראה התפרחת אדום עמוק וריחני ומושך פרפרים וציפורים ברפואה העממית השימושים הם מגוונים - העלים משמשים בבעיות בשלפוחית השתן מחלות / כליות, חוקן , שילשול ודיזנטריה . פצעים . פצעים וחתכים מטופלים עם מרתח עלה והכשת נחש . פירות בוסר הם רעילים אך נלקחים כתרופה כנגד עגבת שיגרון. פירות מבושלים לעיסה לתוך הגוף עבור לומברגו. הזרעים רעילים בבליעה , במיוחד כאשר הפרי הוא בוסר הפירות משמשים לטיפול בכיבים או כדי להגביר את זרימת החלב לנשים מיניקות .
הפרי הבשל מסייע בתהליך התססת הבירה בארצות המקור - אפריקה . ענפי העץ והגזע הם כבדים אך רכים , ושימשו להכנת סירות , תופים ומדפים.
# Order Lamiales
# Family Bignoniaceae (Jacaranda family)
איך מגדלים -
# לשתולגם בזריעה , אפשר לאסוף את הזרעים , לייבש אותם ולזרוע
# כיסוי מרווח שתילה לפחות 8 מטר
# השקייה חסכוני במים
# חפש מידע נוסף German: Leberwurstbaum
# African vernacular names:
# Shona: Impfungvani, muvete, muzangula, vunguti Suahili: Mwegea
# Zulu: Umgongoti, umzingulu
# Hindi: Balam khira, Jhar fanoos
# Kannada: Aanethoradu Kaayi, Mara Sowthae
# Telugu: Enuga thondamu, Kijili, Naagamalle
לפי החלוקה הבוטנית המודרנת , סוג זה מכיל מין אחד . לפי החלוקה הקודמת היו מספר סוגים - להלן -
Bignonia africana / Tecoma africana , Crescentia pinnata / Kigelia pinnata , Kigelia abyssinica , Kigelia aethiopica
הקיגליה הינו עץ יחודי בעל מראה דרמתי. נוף עגול ורחב, גובה 10-12מ', רוחב 8-10מ . עץ ירוק עד . הקיגליה מתאים לשתילה בגינה פרטית, עמיד למחלות ומזיקים, עמיד לשרב, ובעל עמידות בינונית לקרה. הפרחים מעין חצוצרות בגודל של 15-20ס"מ תלוים כלפי מטה על עוקצים ארוכים הנראים כחבלים באורך של 1-2 מ , הפריחה מסוף החורף תחילת האביב. הפירות נקניקים בגודל של לחם לבן ויותר, תלוים על העץ זמן רב לאחר הפריחה וגם הם בעלי ערך קישוטי. הפריחה מדהימה אך נפתחת רק בלילה..לכן קשה לראותם.לפרח ריח של תסיסת פירות (כמו של בננה) והוא מושך עטלפים וחרקים, (הפרח בנוי בצורה שמאפשרת לעטלף בצורה מושלמת להתלבש עליו ובכך מתבצעת האבקה) . במקומות שיש כמויות עטלפים תתבצע חנטה טובה של פירות.באזור מוצאו של העץ משמשים פירותיו כמאכל לקופי הבבון.
בלילה, פרחים נפתחים . מראה התפרחת אדום עמוק וריחני ומושך פרפרים וציפורים ברפואה העממית השימושים הם מגוונים - העלים משמשים בבעיות בשלפוחית השתן מחלות / כליות, חוקן , שילשול ודיזנטריה . פצעים . פצעים וחתכים מטופלים עם מרתח עלה והכשת נחש . פירות בוסר הם רעילים אך נלקחים כתרופה כנגד עגבת שיגרון. פירות מבושלים לעיסה לתוך הגוף עבור לומברגו. הזרעים רעילים בבליעה , במיוחד כאשר הפרי הוא בוסר הפירות משמשים לטיפול בכיבים או כדי להגביר את זרימת החלב לנשים מיניקות .
הפרי הבשל מסייע בתהליך התססת הבירה בארצות המקור - אפריקה . ענפי העץ והגזע הם כבדים אך רכים , ושימשו להכנת סירות , תופים ומדפים.
# Order Lamiales
# Family Bignoniaceae (Jacaranda family)
איך מגדלים -
# לשתולגם בזריעה , אפשר לאסוף את הזרעים , לייבש אותם ולזרוע
# כיסוי מרווח שתילה לפחות 8 מטר
# השקייה חסכוני במים
# חפש מידע נוסף German: Leberwurstbaum
# African vernacular names:
# Shona: Impfungvani, muvete, muzangula, vunguti Suahili: Mwegea
# Zulu: Umgongoti, umzingulu
# Hindi: Balam khira, Jhar fanoos
# Kannada: Aanethoradu Kaayi, Mara Sowthae
# Telugu: Enuga thondamu, Kijili, Naagamalle
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
cucurbita maxima
Kabocha , buttercup , Pumpkins ,南瓜属
An annual plant originating in South America, one from at least five different types of pumpkin cultured. Other types are -
spices -digitata* ficifolia* foetidissima* maxima* mixta* moschata* okeechobeensis* okeechobeensis* palmata* pepo
Banana squash - Elongated shape, with light skin, blue or pink and orange and bright orange flesh -
Buttercup squash - One of the most common species in the form of a turban, weighing 3-5 kg, usually heavy with dense yellow orange flesh
Jarrahdale pumpkin - Gray skin. Sweet Meat
Kabocha - Japanies type
Lakota squash - American type
Arikara squash - American type. The fruit weight of five kilograms. The shape of the fruit is round, mottled green and orange. A quality for eating and decoration.
Hubbard squash & Golden Hubbard squash & Blue Hubbard - A form of drop and has a rough skin orange flesh
Candy Roaster - Quite variable in size medium, shape (round, teardrop, rolls, etc.), color (tan, pink, green, blue, gray, orange), most of them has orange flesh with a delicate texture. This type is popular
With branches extending tendrils, leaves hackers with rounded lobes, single sex flowers bell-shaped, stalk some fruit color blue. Seed size 15-12 mm. Mexico Indoor Field pumpkin, orange fruit, lobes of her sharpen, Sting fruit and flowers angular, hairy stem with yellow flowers, seed size - 25 mm. Perry pumpkin field can reach up to 50 kg. However, for better taste, these are precisely weigh between 40-30 kg. Pumpkin fruit garden plants connected to zucchini, cucumber, melon, watermelon and read classified as crops Maksha. This term is derived from the vegetable kind of "zucchini", once an important habitat from other fruit garden. Perry pumpkin - solid flesh, rich in fiber, vitamins - especially vitamin A and, C - minerals - especially potassium and calcium, and valuable in the kitchen. The fruit Mars, cook, bake, preserve the form of cubes, sugar syrup and adding citric acid, Mmhim prepare pies, cakes and cookies.
Pumpkin fruits outstanding many shapes . They are nice big size, such as pumpkins and decorative punch, and huge fruit weighing 280 kg. Varying forms: round, bottles, polygons and various shapes. Have them in green, red, orange, yellow and so on. Pumpkins characteristic shape is a circle, they called English Pumpkin. Form of discourse is also compact and moving bushes creeping plants that spread very far. A pumpkin mentioned many times in the Talmud. Contemporary scholars are debating what is and what are the teachings pumpkin differences between different kinds of pumpkins: pumpkin Greek, Egyptian squash, pumpkin and squash Rmocah Aramaic. Most researchers believe pumpkin sex teachings does not belong to Cucurbita. This species, as is known, will come to our region and continent of America was known here in antiquity. Researchers tend to attribute the species called Talmudic pumpkin - pumpkin bottle. Exercise pumpkin Title property and read many mentions. Different kinds of pumpkins, they say, are species or subspecies of the text, varying in their morphology, capacity expansion, growth and drought-shaped fruit.
Pumpkin is used in agriculture as the basis for watermelon plants. More than half the watermelon in composite grafts in place of pumpkin
Sowing the largest pumpkins in late winter - early spring, and small pumpkins in June. This timing fits northern growers - American, ripe pumpkins objects later, prior to the big autumn pumpkins fairs accompany the month of October.
The squash: a plant family Cucurbitaceae is reminiscent of a vase shape. Sweet squash flavor of nuts, like sweet potato or pumpkin. Yellow shell orange flesh. Achsahdlorit ripe, dark orange color change is rich and sweet and tasted better. Squash grown on the climbs. Originated in North America. Most of the shell and peel the seeds before eating. But the seeds edible after baking or roasting. Commercial growth in the beginning - the early '80s as a platform growth beneficial biological control insects and several institutes in the country. He then entered as increase trade for human consumption at first called "mini pumpkin" or "Dylait." The name "squash" was coined by Mark Ben-Porat, Yehoshua Salmon and Samuel Katz
# Order Cucurbitales
# Family Cucurbitaceae
# Genus Cucurbita
how to -
# plant rich soil, full sun drained
# Irrigation Multi
# coverage plant stems in the ground will Loshrstam
# pruning wicker edges removal will encourage the development of large fruit development parties
Kabocha , buttercup , Pumpkins ,南瓜属
An annual plant originating in South America, one from at least five different types of pumpkin cultured. Other types are -
spices -digitata* ficifolia* foetidissima* maxima* mixta* moschata* okeechobeensis* okeechobeensis* palmata* pepo
Banana squash - Elongated shape, with light skin, blue or pink and orange and bright orange flesh -
Buttercup squash - One of the most common species in the form of a turban, weighing 3-5 kg, usually heavy with dense yellow orange flesh
Jarrahdale pumpkin - Gray skin. Sweet Meat
Kabocha - Japanies type
Lakota squash - American type
Arikara squash - American type. The fruit weight of five kilograms. The shape of the fruit is round, mottled green and orange. A quality for eating and decoration.
Hubbard squash & Golden Hubbard squash & Blue Hubbard - A form of drop and has a rough skin orange flesh
Candy Roaster - Quite variable in size medium, shape (round, teardrop, rolls, etc.), color (tan, pink, green, blue, gray, orange), most of them has orange flesh with a delicate texture. This type is popular
With branches extending tendrils, leaves hackers with rounded lobes, single sex flowers bell-shaped, stalk some fruit color blue. Seed size 15-12 mm. Mexico Indoor Field pumpkin, orange fruit, lobes of her sharpen, Sting fruit and flowers angular, hairy stem with yellow flowers, seed size - 25 mm. Perry pumpkin field can reach up to 50 kg. However, for better taste, these are precisely weigh between 40-30 kg. Pumpkin fruit garden plants connected to zucchini, cucumber, melon, watermelon and read classified as crops Maksha. This term is derived from the vegetable kind of "zucchini", once an important habitat from other fruit garden. Perry pumpkin - solid flesh, rich in fiber, vitamins - especially vitamin A and, C - minerals - especially potassium and calcium, and valuable in the kitchen. The fruit Mars, cook, bake, preserve the form of cubes, sugar syrup and adding citric acid, Mmhim prepare pies, cakes and cookies.
Pumpkin fruits outstanding many shapes . They are nice big size, such as pumpkins and decorative punch, and huge fruit weighing 280 kg. Varying forms: round, bottles, polygons and various shapes. Have them in green, red, orange, yellow and so on. Pumpkins characteristic shape is a circle, they called English Pumpkin. Form of discourse is also compact and moving bushes creeping plants that spread very far. A pumpkin mentioned many times in the Talmud. Contemporary scholars are debating what is and what are the teachings pumpkin differences between different kinds of pumpkins: pumpkin Greek, Egyptian squash, pumpkin and squash Rmocah Aramaic. Most researchers believe pumpkin sex teachings does not belong to Cucurbita. This species, as is known, will come to our region and continent of America was known here in antiquity. Researchers tend to attribute the species called Talmudic pumpkin - pumpkin bottle. Exercise pumpkin Title property and read many mentions. Different kinds of pumpkins, they say, are species or subspecies of the text, varying in their morphology, capacity expansion, growth and drought-shaped fruit.
Pumpkin is used in agriculture as the basis for watermelon plants. More than half the watermelon in composite grafts in place of pumpkin
Sowing the largest pumpkins in late winter - early spring, and small pumpkins in June. This timing fits northern growers - American, ripe pumpkins objects later, prior to the big autumn pumpkins fairs accompany the month of October.
The squash: a plant family Cucurbitaceae is reminiscent of a vase shape. Sweet squash flavor of nuts, like sweet potato or pumpkin. Yellow shell orange flesh. Achsahdlorit ripe, dark orange color change is rich and sweet and tasted better. Squash grown on the climbs. Originated in North America. Most of the shell and peel the seeds before eating. But the seeds edible after baking or roasting. Commercial growth in the beginning - the early '80s as a platform growth beneficial biological control insects and several institutes in the country. He then entered as increase trade for human consumption at first called "mini pumpkin" or "Dylait." The name "squash" was coined by Mark Ben-Porat, Yehoshua Salmon and Samuel Katz
# Order Cucurbitales
# Family Cucurbitaceae
# Genus Cucurbita
how to -
# plant rich soil, full sun drained
# Irrigation Multi
# coverage plant stems in the ground will Loshrstam
# pruning wicker edges removal will encourage the development of large fruit development parties
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