Sunday, August 15, 2010


Flowering from February to May The main . Colors are yellow and white, shades of pink and orange and red. needs Full sun

Wildflower annual originating from China and Japan. Chrysanthemum Cultivated has larger rash leaders. Daisy is the national flower of Japan and is also the symbol of Japan. Daisy plant contains substances called Pertrinim (pyrethrins) are toxic to insects, and protect it from Reviboria. Use dried flowers or powder produced from the Persian period are known to the fifth century BC. The powder was brought to Europe at the beginning of the century - 19 from a source not clear. In 1840 the plant began to raise industrial production Dalmatia powder, and in 1860 came to the United States. In 1919 found method to synthesize the chemical element artificially. today continue to make the Ahfiritarin plants that grow around the world, in hot areas.
Common types in Israel -
Chrysanthemum coronarium

Common in almost all regions of the country, increased pit fields, walls, sides of ways, by the settlement places - especially on nitrogen-rich soils yellow flower color. I usually pick up the extra daisy ballet, brew the lower petals
Chrysanthemum morifolium - Hardy garden mum

Perennial - a yellow flowering most of the year, intermediate colors - red, orange, yellow, white, purple. , Sun control, irrigation - low, fast growth - fast, has cut back after flowering Sheikh low, rounded.
Chrysanthemum leucanthemum
/oxeye daisy/ Leucanthemum vulgare / marguerite / oxeye daisy

White wild flower blooming perennial from June to August, which the center or all yellow. Edible root leaves, fresh or cooked. Daisy Uahat natural insects, can not hang dried chrysanthemum plants around the house, or use them in a bed in the garden. You can salt the buds are closed and used like capers
Chrysanthemum frutescens
Marguerite Daisy, Paris Daisy

Spring and summer bloom in red, white, pink, purple, yellow, blaze of colors and sun control. Use Abmslaut, flowerbed, under the trees thinned. Plant is best viewed in winter and spring, often blooming in the summer
Chrysanthemum segetum
Glebionis segetum - Corn Daizy / Marigold,Yellow cornflower . Brenanbroi (corn) in Gaelic

annual flowers similar to those of common Garland chrysanthemum species, but it is a different shape and size. Yellow flower color. Full sun, very little irrigation. Wicker fresh salad with edible leaves, or roasted with salt and olive oil.